
4 August 2024

The Northern Territory Police Association (NTPA) acknowledges the apology speech delivered by Commissioner of Police, Michael Murphy APM, at the Garma Festival on August 3, 2024.

NTPA Acting President Lisa Bayliss said it is important to confront, acknowledge and learn from the past, without letting it define the NT Police (NTP).

“Our officers are committed to serving the community with integrity, impartiality, and professionalism, treating all individuals with the respect they deserve, regardless of race, gender, or background. Over the past 154 years, our membership, both Indigenous and non-Indigenous, have protected the community, from domestic violence, alcohol abuse, and other forms of harm.

“It is disappointing the Commissioner did not communicate the content, and intent, directly with the membership well in advance of his speech. In fact, the speech in its entirety was sent to the media before the membership. It is also not the role of police to assess the success or otherwise of Federal Government-directed policies of Closing the Gap, the Stolen Generation and the Intervention, as the Commissioner has done.

“If the Commissioner is genuinely committed to achieving the goals he has outlined, it is essential that the entire Agency is included in this process and fully supported in its efforts to serve the community. Our members deserve the backing of the senior police executive, ensuring they are not unfairly overburdened with blame but rather empowered to continue their vital work for the benefit of all Territorians.

“The Commissioner’s focus should be not only on Indigenous members of the public but also on the wellbeing and development of the NTP’s own members. This includes providing Indigenous employees within the NTP with opportunities to advance as far as they aspire within the organisation. Currently, members of the NTP employed as Aboriginal Community Police Officers (ACPOs) can only progress to the rank of Senior ACPO. If they wish to advance further, they must wait for a transition squad, or resign their position and apply as a recruit constable, as there is no existing ACPO to Constable transition career pathway.

The NT Police Association calls upon the Commissioner to address this gap by immediately implementing an ACPO to Constable transition career pathway. This would not only offer a practical solution but also demonstrate a genuine commitment to providing ACPOs with the same opportunities for advancement that the Commissioner himself has had, including the potential to rise through the ranks to one day become the Commissioner of the NTP. This initiative would be a significant step toward ensuring equal opportunities for all members of the NTP.

“The NTPA is committed to ensuring that our members work in a safe and healthy environment, free from all forms of discriminatory behaviour, including racism,” said Mrs Bayliss.


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The Northern Territory Police Association (NTPA) is the industrial voice of all members of the Northern Territory Police Force. Read more via or join us on Facebook at