
21 May 2024

The Northern Territory Police Association (NTPA) is calling on the two major political parties to prioritise police experience and commit to a retention bonus ahead of the August 2024 NT General election.


NTPA President Nathan Finn said this is one way the Government and senior police management can demonstrate they value their people.


“Our long-serving, hard-working members deserve to be rewarded for their service and dedication to the community over their careers.


“Since 01 January 2024, 53 officers have resigned or retired – taking with them 460 years of experience.


“A proposed tax-free, lump sum retention bonus will go some way to ensure a highly skilled and motivated workforce, by encouraging members to commit to longer periods of service.


“This significant, ongoing, issue has been raised repeatedly by our members and was included in the NTPA’s submission to the NT Police Force Resource Allocation Review.


“The loss of experienced officers is a significant consequence of inadequate staffing, insufficient resources and lack of support for our members, as evidenced by the attrition rate of the NT Police Force, which remains the highest in Australia and New Zealand. The most significant number of departures hold ranks ranging from Constable First Class to Sergeant.


“Whichever party forms the next government must ensure our members are a priority and place a strong emphasis on retaining experience,” said Mr Finn.


Please direct all media enquiries to NTPA Communications Officer +61 (0) 499 017 654 or

The Northern Territory Police Association (NTPA) is the industrial voice of all members of the Northern Territory Police Force. Read more via or join us on Facebook at